TECHNOLOGY: Scanner laser, topographical station, high-resolution pictures taken from a lift platform CUSTOMER: Town of Verona, Fondazione CARIVERONA YEAR: 2011/12 The Roman Theatre is located at the base of S. Peter's hill, near the meander of Adige which surrounds the [...]
Grancia di Cuna, Monteroni d’Arbia (SI)
Stefania2018-03-16T15:28:57+00:00TECNOLOGIA UTILIZZATA: Laser scanner COMMITTENZA: Comune di Monteroni d'Arbia ANNO: 2012-2013 Rilievo metrico e strutturale della Grancia di Cuna di circa 2000mq coperti su più livelli. L'edificio è stato oggetto di un'intensa campagna di conoscenza, oltre la restituzione del [...]
Palazzo Forti complex, Verona
Stefania2018-02-05T15:11:15+00:00TECHNOLOGY: Laser scanning CONTRACTING AUTHORITY: Fondazione CARIVERONA YEAR:2015 PERFORMED IN COLLABORATION WITH: Architects Simonetta Paparella and Filippo Antonello Façade surveying of the Palazzo Forti complex, in Verona. We have surveyed a whole city block and measured the different volumes which [...]
Built-up area no. 23, Bugnara, Central Italy
Stefania2018-02-05T15:12:48+00:00TECHNOLOGY: Laser scanning CONTRACTING AUTHORITY: Private clients YEAR: 2015Built-up area situated in Bugnara historical centre and affected by the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake. Survey of an area covering approx. 2000 m2. 1.50 nominal scale plans, elevations and sections. We have also [...]
Built-up area no. 6, Castel di Ieri, Central Italy
Stefania2018-02-05T15:15:01+00:00TECHNOLOGY: Laser scanner CONTRACTING AUTHORITY: Private clients YEAR: 2015 The whole built-up area is situated in the historical centre of Castel di Ieri, covering a gross area of approx. 2500 m2. A thorough surveying campaign of the area has been performed in [...]
Lucca City Walls
Stefania2018-02-05T15:26:16+00:00TECHNOLOGY: Scanner laser CUSTOMER: Microscape Architetti Associati, Lucca YEAR: 2013-2014 We have carried out a scanner laser survey of San Paolino, Santa Croce and San Martino exits in order to get ready for the restoration project. The main goal was to reopen the [...]
San Sebastiano Church, Ussana, Sardinia
Stefania2018-02-05T15:27:26+00:00TECHNOLOGY: Laser scanner CONTRACTING AUTHORITY: Parrocchia di San Sebastiano YEAR: 2016 Survey and 2d drawings of the San Sebastiano Church complex. 1:50 nominal scale drawings. Survey of materials and degradation levels.
Nuraghe Is Palas, Isili, Cagliari
Stefania2018-02-05T15:29:02+00:00TECHNOLOGY: Scanner laser CUSTOMER: Town of Isili YEAR: 2010/12 The survey is being carried out during the Nuraghe restoration works which have been designed and directed by Ianus. Works include the renovation of the cement of commissures and of the [...]
Nicola Pisano Pulpit, Siena Cathedral
Stefania2018-02-05T15:35:20+00:00TECHNOLOGY: Scanner laser CUSTOMER: Opera della Metropolitana del Duomo di Siena YEAR: 2010/11 The survey of the pulpit was to serve as a support for the structural analysis carried out by SIT Ingegneria from Siena and for the investigations carried [...]
Tempio Ossario, Bassano del Grappa, Northern Italy
Stefania2018-02-05T15:38:08+00:00TECHNOLOGY: Laser scanner CONTRACTING AUTHORITY: Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Mission Structure for anniversaries of National interest. Topographic and architectural survey performed with laser scanning technique. Scale 1:50 vector drawings using CAD. The survey is part of the project [...]